Expansion of relations between China and the United Arab Emirates_english.china.org.cn_ 中国 最 权威 的 西班牙语 新闻 网站


View of Dubai on March 14, 2018.

President Xi Jinping's visit to the United Arab Emirates will be the first of a Chinese head of state in the country in 29 years.

This was the first in the Gulf to establish a strategic partnership with Beijing. In 2017, bilateral trade amounted to $ 41 billion and has experienced an impressive growth of 800 since 1984, making China one of its major trading partners.

Today, commercial ties go through a wide variety of sectors such as energy, logistics, finance, agriculture, technology and tourism.


China, the second largest economy in the world, is Dubai's largest trading partner since 2014.

The level of competitiveness The emirate plays a key role in attracting investors from around the world , seeking to leverage its position as a regional and international business hub.

The Dubai Multibuilding Center, the country's largest free trade area, has signed memorandum of understanding with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade to strengthen the already strong and long-standing economic relations between the emirate and China on July 11 In addition, the Arab organization has entered into another agreement with the Xian International Trade and Logistics Park, located in the central Chinese province of Shaanxi, during the cooperation conference from the Dubai Free Trade Zone to Xian. September 19, 2017.

The agreement aims to open doors to companies from both countries for their expansion into new markets, as well as to organize joint trade missions and economic delegations.


<! – enpproperty 57794511 2018-07-19 13: 25: 48: 0 Expansion of relations between China and the United Arab Emirates China and the United Arab Emirates [19659017] 1006 [19659015] China China http://images.china.cn/site1006/2018-07/19/t2_ (24X19X590X326) d1ad71ec-e863-425f-8f64-69d521d25161. jpg http://images.china.cn/site1006/2018-07/19/t2_ (24X19X590X326) d1ad71ec-e863-425f-8f64-69d521d25161.jpg http://spanish.china.org. cn / photos / txt / 2018-07 / 19 / content_57794511.htm null Elena Yang français.china.org.cn 1 / enpproperty ->

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