Expert in contemporary art will speak in Cuba


Promotion of the conference of Chus Martínez

Havana, Cuba. – Chus Martínez, director of the Art Institute of Basel, Switzerland, will present today at the National Museum of Fine Arts Theater, Havana – at 05:00 in the evening. afternoon – his lecture The Vegan Lion, a tour of Documenta 13 to the present day .

The co-curator of the 2012 edition of the 1945 event Kbadel in Germany, will talk about the experience that allowed him to fraternize with more than 170 productions contemporary art worldwide, and its educational performance of the past four years.

It will be increasingly important to reconsider artistic production, as well as the role of art universities vis-à-vis museums and civil society. 19659003] Chus Martínez, one of the most important artistic figures in the world, will present in Cuba his recent project, which brings together artists and scientists taking into account the contribution of art to the preservation of art. # 39; environment. 9003] (Visited 1 time, 3 times today)

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