Facebook and Instagram forbid its use to children under 13 years | news


Facebook e Instagram two of the most popular social networks of today, joined the initiative to regulate the issue of ages of its users, prohibiting its use by boys and girls under age 13 years .

After several cases registered on this type of platform on the Internet, the two companies will impose new security measures. This was reported Facebook through his official blog.

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More than 13 years old ]

The two societies of Mark Zuckerberg will impose their own regulation that involves a process of verification of users who, at the time of registration of their accounts, were informed that they were less than [13] years .

In Europe, 46% of children aged nine to eleven have their own cell phone.
Source: T13 | Photo: La Prensa

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In addition, these networks could "pre-emptively block" profiles that may belong to people under the age of 13 years even when another age appears in your data; by asking them for the image of their official identity document to check the information.

"We do not allow persons under 13 years to have an account Facebook . 13 years reviewer will view content of your profile (text and photos) to try to determine your age.If we believe that the person is less than 13 years old the account will be Suspended and the person can not use Facebook until they provide proof of their age, "said said platform

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