Facebook will block accounts for children under 13



Facebook will definitely be a platform for children. The social network has reported that it is working to make sure to block the accounts of users under 13 years old.

This policy had already been put in place by the company, its respect has not been reinforced so far, a situation that is being proposed

Recently, Facebook has only investigated the age of a user when he received a complaint about him but now he will adopt a procative approach, proceeding to the suspension of the account if he finds indications that the The account user does not meet the age requirements, even in cases where the account has been reported for another reason.

If a user protests and complains of an error, he must provide proof that he complies with the condition of age, such as a copy of your identity card.

The problem is that Facebook does not require any age proof when registering a new user and it is not always possible to deduce it. To ensure the monitoring of the age limit, Facebook announced that increased its moderators to reach 20,000 people, 7,500 of them are devoted to the examination of the content posted by users.

The measure is also valid for Instagram.

In order not to let toddlers completely out of their platforms, the social network launched last year the Messenger Kids Messenger service, which offers them the sending of messages and photos that disappear in a short time, while giving extensive parental controls on what the kids can or can not do on the platform.

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