Andrés Manuel López Obrador's victory in Mexico provoked titles, interpretations and predictions of all kinds with not-so-surprising surprises and not-so-new novelties. A lot of fiction and enthusiasm. But reality is something else and it does not submit or accept. It will be necessary to quickly check the elected president, already located on the other side of the counter, which does not amount to making opposition.
"From the opposition," said a German "green," the speech has no dams and people are told what they want to hear, in the end they vote for you and you get to the government and then you have to chew shit and crises and breakdowns appear.
For AMLO, the third was defeated. In the previous two, that he lost, he said that there was fraud. In these, who won, it seems no. He thanked the press and the journalists for their work and their honesty. In the past, he had accused them of being complicit and of being part of the "swindle".
Specifically, AMLO must now take control of Mexico
Nicolás Maduro, Evo Morales and Dilma Rousseff celebrated this ceremony. They see it as a new injection of sap for the beleaguered progressivism that today shows their " popes " in prison or on the spot and to other accused, denounced and accused of genocide. But Mexico no longer affects both continental and formerly. He lost his leadership. Will taking it back be one of AMLO's priorities? And will he try it with the flags of Maduro, Ortega or Evo? We will have to see what is really happening in this plan, which is now the least important on the Mexican agenda.
Twelve years ago, AMLO was "chavista", but with time, he dropped the ball on the ground. The same goes for trade relations and agreements with the United States: before repudiating them, but closer to power, his attitude has changed.
For Mexico, being "anti-imperialist" is not so easy. Particularly related and so close, as we have pointed out, in the United States. And more right now, with Donald Trump on the other side, where nothing is predictable. Anything can happen there are respectable badysts who point out similarities in the AMLO and Donald behaviors. We do not know if it's good or bad. This "neighborhood", of course, is not "foreign policy" but is an internal problem, both in Mexico and in the United States, but perhaps more so for Mexico. Without a doubt this is one of the priorities and Don Andrés Manuel will follow a safe path, will take small steps and it does not seem very credible to do so by wearing the banners of anti-imperialism , third-world, "new orders" and hugs with the embargo and expelled Fidel, as in the past.
Because this badumption of the left in Mexico is more titular, "win" and frivolous than the historical truth. The PRI, in which AMLO was initiated, was the revolutionary party, the agrarian reform, the defense of independence and sovereignty and the confrontation with imperialism. Mexico for decades has been a haven and an example for the continental left. Of course, he was defined as "leftist from the outside and fascist from within", but that and the corruption of the governments and progressive presidents of the PRI, no one from the universal left n? did not say anything.
The other big priority is corruption, violence, mafia and drug trafficking. The new president must also take care of that. 120 candidates were killed during this last campaign – democratic elections but with tolls, right? – cities and entire states ruled by cartels, drug traffickers and gangsters.
In Colombia, guerrillas and narcos were friends. Chavez Venezuela and his senior leaders are accused of being "stuck" in drug trafficking and it has always been said that Fidel & # 39; s Cuba was doing a lot of business in this area, but in Mexico it is 39 is different. Narcotics and gangsters are the "non-aligned".
López Obrador, who had a very respectful and positive first conversation with Trump, who says that things are not so simple or Manichean, put the fight against corruption and violence as the first objective. The same as them and announced their predecessors to the presidency. The problem is to do it and to do it, beyond the headlines, interpretations, forecasts and first badyzes, enthusiastic and militant. This is not a matter of fiction or opposition. Now it's serious.
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