FIFA investigates discriminatory songs by English fans





The FIFA declared that it was investigating any discriminatory chants by England fans in the semifinal of World Cup against Croatia on Wednesday.

The governing body of World Football did not give details, but said it received a report from observers of the match played at the Luzhniki stadium, which Croatia won 2 -1 in overtime.

"We can confirm that a report has been presented through the system of control of discrimination in connection with slogans of a discriminatory nature on the part of English supporters in the match of yesterday", said FIFA on Thursday.

"Subsequently, disciplinary proceedings have been opened against the Football Association (…) while the proceedings are ongoing, we understand that we can not comment at this stage," he added.

The FIFA employed specialized observer teams in all matches of the World Cup to detect possible racist and homophobic songs, as well as similar posters in the stages.

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