FIL Lima 2018 | These are the activities you can not miss on the first day of the Book Fair


On July 20, the International Book Fair of Lima 2018 opens its doors to the public. Thousands of books, activities for adults and children, stars and many events will be the main attraction of the first date.

Among the great attractions will be César Hildebrandt Wendy Ramos and Lorena Álvarez . In addition, the musical star of the night will be in charge of the salsa group Sabor y Control

For young people and adolescents there will be the event " Fantasia Juvenil " which will feature the participation of the Spanish writer science fiction, fantasy and suspense, Fernando Trujillo with Juan José Cavero, Peruvian writer who won the Conde de Oro in the V Bienal de Novela

The children's audience will have also their own space every day of FIL Lima 2018 . Reading and theater workshops will be held

Here are the main activities not to be missed on the first day of FIL Lima 2018:

PRESENTATIONS: [19659002] – The Journalist César Hildebrandt will present a reissue of his book "Cambio de Palabras", which he publishes in 1981 and where he collects his 25 best interviews published between 1971 and 1992. The event will be held in the hall Clorinda Matto of Turner at 19:00

– The Actress Wendy Ramos will present her first book, " Journal of a Cow Having Turned Wrong ", where she brings together his ideas, thoughts and memories of the performer. The exhibition will be held in the hall Blanca Valera – BBVA Foundation at 20:00

– The journalist Lorena Álvarez will also present her first publication that tells about her personal experience of gender violence. " I do not kill you because I love you " will be shown in the play Abraham Valdelomar at 8 pm


– In the Chamber César Vallejo at 5 pm will be held on III International Forum on Cultural Policies where will be discussed on the Law Book and network of public libraries . 19659002] – In the hall Ciro Alegría the Vargas LLosa Chair will present " How to read Mario Vargas Llosa in Spain " at 8 pm. The Spanish journalist and writer Rosa Montero, along with the Spaniards Marta Sanz and Ray Loriga, will compose the conversation table.

– The Conversation " Stephen King: A Legacy of Terror and Mystery " will be presented in the Blanca Valera – Fundación BBVA Hall. In this event will be given tips on how to start reading this author. He will be in charge of Javier Coya, Wendy Huamán, Sofía Valladares and Adriano Canella.

– " Objects with Story (s) " will be the conversation created by Spain, guest country for this edition, where the writer and literary critic of the 39, Spain, Marco Giralt, will speak; Spanish screenwriter and director Ray Loriga; and the writer, and the Peruvian journalist, Luis Jochamowitz.


Music will be another attraction in the FIL Lima 2018 . " Salsa and Peace: Neighborhood Stories " is the show that will present Flavor and Control that promises a fusion of hard sauce and discharge at 9 pm.
[19659002] Currently, the orchestra enjoys tremendous popularity, they have performed in the most important salsa festivals in Peru and Colombia, and have earned the respect of critics and audiences as the # 1 39, one of the few Peruvian salsa orchestras never made cover on his records nor on stage .

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