Filtered photo and the real name of Mhoni Seer before becoming a woman



An identification of Mhoni Vidente, 22 years ago, is a rage on Twitter. The personal document shows the true name and masculine appearance of the famous astrologer before she becomes a woman.

The details of the image that his name is Rafael Martínez de León originally from Monterrey, Nuevo León.

In addition, what attracts the most attention in his manly appearance: he had short hair and wore a white T-shirt.

Although image filtration causes a stir in social networks, it's not the first time the slight details of its radical physical change.

In an interview for the "Today" program, Mhoni Vidente says that she has undergone countless hormonal treatments and surgeries to be able to look feminine.

Currently, she has a lot of fame for making impressive predictions that have been fulfilled, among them death of singer Jorge Valenzuela, the regional genre artist who died in a deadly road accident.

See: 10 predictions of Mhoni Seer that became reality

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