Food seized in the Venezuelan city of Barquisimeto


July 16, 2018, 18:33 Caracas, July 16 (Prensa Latina) Security agencies seized 112,000 kilos of food in the city of Barquisimeto, in the state of Lara, as part of of the Venezuelan government's crusade against smuggling and hoarding of necessities

Coffee, flour, pasta, sugar, oil, margarine and rice, among others, were among the Inputs recovered by intelligence authorities with members of the mayor of the municipality of Iribarren, Luis Reyes, said the confiscated goods were stored in three depots of the parish of Juan de Villegas, in the west Barquisimeto, to be sold at speculative prices.

To the local press, the manager pointed out that these products will be sold at a fair price and solidarity to the population through the Local Committees of Supply and Production

The Venezuelan authorities redoubled since June the confrontation with the crimes of speculation, grabbing and changing the cost of products and services, with intervention in the markets of several states of the country.

The Bolivarian government intervened in a first of a total of 29 commercial establishments where signs of product retention networks and irregularities in the marking of prices were detected.

Induced inflation, hoarding of inputs and the shortage caused are part of the destabilizing actions of the oligarchic sectors in the context of the so-called economic war against the Venezuelan government and people, according to the denunciations.

jf / wup

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