For Better Public Administration And Business



  XI Congress of Management of Enterprise and Public Administration / Photo: ACN

XI Congress of Management of Enterprise and Public Administration / Photo: ACN

The XI Congress of Management of Enterprise and Public Administration is held between July 3 and 6 at Havana Convention Center, with the participation of specialists from different universities of the country and business leaders.

Under the slogan: "For a sustainable commercial and public culture for development", participants discuss administration, management training, innovation and sustainable development.

Organized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES), the meeting will also host representatives of governments and universities from more than 12 countries and more than 150 speakers.

Dr.C Gerardo Montenegro Morán, Director of Training Tables and Management Studies of the M ES and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the event, informed that the congress will have lectures, one of them related to the update of the economic and social model of the country.

Miriam Rendón Fernández, director of Formatur, said that it is an underestimated specialty, which nonetheless guarantees good management, which is why she participates in the congress. Other participants said that it was an opportunity to train to provide better service

Dedicated to the 30 years of the establishment of the study centers of the University of Havana and of the Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE), the An event will take place between management training schools and the presentation of the magazine Brochures Management.


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