Forecast of showers, showers and thunderstorms in the west and the center


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Camagüey, Cuba, Weather Forecast, Thunderstorms, Thunderstorms

Havana, July 29.- Meteorology Institute forecasts for showers and thunderstorms on Sunday in the west and center, east of Cuba, rains will be isolated.

It will be cloudy in the Isle of Youth with some showers and rains that will decrease in the afternoon. In the western region, there will be clouds and there will be little clouds in the rest of the country.

At the end of the morning, there will be showers, showers and thunderstorms, more abundant in the afternoon. from the interior and south of the central region. In the east of the country, rains will be isolated.

Minimum temperatures will be between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius, higher in coastal areas. The day will be warm with temperatures reaching the maximum in the afternoon between 32 and 35 degrees Celsius, higher in some localities of the interior.

Winds will be weak variables, except in areas of the central and eastern north coast. Northeast to east between 10 and 25 kilometers to the hour.

There will be waves on the northeast coast, small waves from Punta de Maisí to Cape Cruz, as well as north of Camagüey. On the rest of the coast, the sea will remain calm. (ACN / INSMET)


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