Former modified structure of the Milky Way collision


July 4, 2018, 11:05 Washington, July 4 (PL) Astronomers have discovered an ancient and dramatic frontal collision between the so-called sausage galaxy and the Milky Way that has reformed the structure of the latter, forming both The members of the international team of experts claim that the cosmic accident, there are eight or ten billion years, tore the small galaxy and that its stars are today moving in very radial orbits, long and narrow like needles

These remains propagate through the internal parts of the Milky Way, creating the protuberance in the center of the galaxy and l & # 39; Surrounding star-shaped halo.

the stars wear them 'very close to the center of our galaxy. It's a tell-tale sign that the dwarf galaxy has entered a truly eccentric orbit and that its fate has been sealed, "says scientist Vasily Belokurov

Wyn Evans of the University of Cambridge explained that the Galactic melting star paths were given the nickname "Gaia sausage", the only thing left of the last great fusion of the Milky Way, he says.

And although the Milky Way continues to collide with other galaxies, like the thin dwarf galaxy of Sagittarius, the "sausage" was more mbadive. Its total mbad of gas, stars and dark matter was more than ten billion times the mbad of our sun.

Scientists agree that after impact, the Milky Way disk was probably inflated or even fractured and would have required

"Although there were many galaxies satellite dwarfs falling into the Milky Way throughout their lives, it was the greatest of all, "said Sergey Koposov, of Carnegie Mellon University, a student of the kinematics of globular stars and clusters originating in the galaxy sausage.

This research also identified at least eight large groups of spherical stars called globular clusters that were brought into the Milky Way by the sausage galaxy.

Smaller galaxies usually do not have their own globular clusters, so the sausage galaxy must have been large enough to hold a collection of clusters, they are in agreement.

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