From the morning of the Santa Ana to the Moncada nowadays


65 years after the badault of the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks, the continuity of the Revolution is unquestionable. The example of those who fell in the struggle and direction of Fidel was a source of perpetual inspiration.

A beautiful story of love and commitment for the Fatherland means for the Cuban patriots on July 26, 1953, under the leadership of Fidel a group of 131 fighters with a courage – who still moves – left from Siboney Farm, a few kilometers from the city of Santiago de Cuba, to attack the Moncada barracks, the second most important tyranny of Batista.

This same dawn, others did the same in the barracks Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, in Bayamo, today province of Granma. Since then, both actions have remained in the memory and in the hearts of millions of compatriots because that day, no doubt, began to forever change the fate of a country plunged into political chaos, Economic and Social.

Compiled by Batista's coup on October 10, 1952 – which made it impossible for the Orthodox Party, among other organizations, to badume political power at that time – Fidel said started to bring together a group of revolutionaries. Thus began to develop what will later become known as the July 26 Movement (M-26-7).

The undeniable leader of the Revolution was joined by important figures such as Abel and Haydée Santamaría, Jesús Montané Oropesa, Melba Hernández, Raul Martínez Arará, Antonio (Ñico) López, Boris Luis Santacoloma, and Raúl Gómez García, who with other young people from Pinar del Río and Artemiseños joined in his noble efforts to achieve a free and sovereign Cuba

Practically, in the capital the armed action had developed , while in Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo other patriots needed details, among which Renato Guitar

Those who came from the west of the country to different days and by different routes (rail, bus and some cars)) left for the East with the idea that in the year of the Centenary of the Apostle they would be free or martyrs.

Early morning of July 26, at Siboney Farm, after to sing the national anthem and publicize the manifesto of Moncada, written by Raúl Gómez García, several groups of young parties for the Moncada, the palace of Justice and Hospital Saturnino Lora, while in Bayamo they went to the barracks of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes

Before taking the lead of these actions, Fidel expressed: "Centennial Youth of the Apostle! As in 68 and 95, here in the East we give the first cry of Liberty or Death! You already know the objectives of the plan. Without doubt, it is dangerous and everyone who goes out with me tonight must do it because of his absolute will.They are still in time to decide.Anyway, some will have to stay for lack of weapons.One who are determined to go a step forward.The slogan does not Is not to kill, but for a last need. "

We talked a lot about what happened next. Despite the fact that Abel Santamaría and Raúl Castro have triumphed in their goals of taking the Civil Hospital and the Law Courts, the attacks at the barracks have not had the same luck, since superiority in arms and in men was notable.

The actions did not triumph, but they marked the path and continuity of the struggle.

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Raiders detained

Fidel Castro (left) and other badailants during their detention.

"El Moncada taught us how to turn chess into victories.This was not the only bitter test of adversity, but nothing could contain the victorious struggle of our The trenches of ideas were more powerful than the trenches of stones, it showed us the value of a doctrine, the strength of ideas, and left us the permanent lesson of perseverance and tenacity in the Our heroic dead did not fall in vain (…) We see them reborn in the new generations who are growing up to the fraternal and human warmth of the Revolution, "Fidel said years later.

And so it was. The epic of the Moncada arrives until today, multiplied by the millions of Cubans who, at present, ratify the legacy of Fidel and the dreams of those men and women who have fertilized the path of freedom with their blood.

Cuba is now living a new stage – although the struggle continues because the blockade and imperialist aggression do not cease – when it updates its model of economic and social development and the continuity of the Revolution is an indisputable fact, under the leadership of the Communist Party, as once again recognized in the recent constitutional draft, approved by deputies last Sunday, July 22.

That day, the president of the State Councils and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, praised the teaching a politician of two men who specifically directed the actions of July 26, 1953 : Fidel and Raul Castro Ruz.

Sixty-five years later, he sums up the work of the Revolution itself, when a Cuban grateful and firm to patriotic convictions he stressed:

"Fidel, from the eternity where he now lives , was the recurring image during the minutes that the solemn act lasted this April 19. At those times, I thought about it several times: I liked better his unsurpbadable stature of & # 39; A continental and global statesman, I remembered some of his inexhaustible political and humanistic lessons, I appreciated more his "revolutionary leadership qualities" and I badumed as his strong Martian creed Raúl's deep conviction, raising his arm, was then certain that we had a lucid and indefatigable guide, whom I did not fail to support one day, so I'm a lucky president, not only for extraordinary people that I have to serve but for the except ionality of those who preceded me. How then to realize them? "

In this necessary relay, there is precisely the work of the Revolution, the seed sown in 1868 and in 1995, which then germinated the year of the Centenary of the Apostle. morning of the Santa Ana, there is almost no memory, but he lives forever the tribute to those who have offered everything for the freedom and sovereignty of the Fatherland.

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The young people of the centenary generation who participated in the actions of

on July 26, 1953 did not die in vain. Other generations of Cubans continue today

their legacy.

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