Game of Thrones leads the Emmy Awards in the United States.


The success of the fantasy, dramatic and adventurous medieval genre, created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, has 22 laurel nominations that will be presented on September 17 at the Nokia L.A. Theater. Live, from this city.

However, among the broadcasters in these series, the big winner in terms of the number of applications was the Netflix platform with 112, among them, Jason Bateman's performance and direction at Ozark; and for the second season of Stranger Things.

In the order of HBO television channels with 108 nominations and NBC with 78.

The Atlanta series of comedy drama, released in 2016, also aspires to one of the prize statuettes in the best actor category for Donald Glover; while the Amazon The Marvelous program Ms. Maisel is among the favorites.

After receiving Laura Dern's award for best actress in the Big Little Lies series last year with the character of Renata Klein, now the artist has earned an appointment for her role in the drama The Tale.

The Emmy Awards had the first edition in 1949 and originated under the term Immy, used in the early days of television to identify the tube of the camera's image recording.

These awards give a statuette with the image of a woman, designed by engineer Louis McManus, whose model was his own wife; the wings represent the muse of art, while the atom represents the electron of science.

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