Gasification of "Jesus Menéndez" and "Amancio" of Cupet Las Tunas will be undertaken


Las Tunas.- At the end of the first half of 2018, the fuel company, Cupet, in the province of Las Tunas, fulfilled its productive commitments and in the second stage of the year, it will launch the investments of the liquefied natural gas outlets for the population, for the houses of the municipalities of Jesús Menéndez and Amancio.

The work will begin in the month of August, because in these territories there are buildings that will be conditioned for the development of such an important activity.

Service throughout the province is the main commitment of the corporate collectives, which concluded with a recognition ceremony on the day of the Petroleum Workers Day celebration, which takes place every year on July 1st.

The workers, along with their families, received diplomas for the task during the first half of the year, during which they achieved sustainability in the distribution of crude oil, gas, [19659003] In law, it also appeared that Cupet Las Tunas opted for the National Quality Award of the Republic of Cuba 2018, with the approval of being among the 20 finalist entities in the country.

Frank Rodríguez Meriño, the director, declared Tiempo21 that they maintain the parameters of business improvement and at the same time they will invest in pumping systems and in the networks to prevent fires.

planning for 2019, for which the badysis meetings are conducted on the subject, with the participation of the administrative directors and union structures

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