Gibara, a city without a cinema, but with Festival


Mirna would like to go to the Festival. He was born, raised and started a family in Gibara. His father is a fisherman. Humility has been his main letter of introduction until today. Humble of heart and pocket. In 2008, the strong winds of Hurricane Ike have almost completely disappeared. With time and effort she raised it as much as she could.

"How much could I give to dress up beautiful and dress up my daughter and take her to the Festival, but look how is this house, look at that ceiling …" she said overflowing. From what was a big house near the beach in the Gibareño district of El Güirito, today only half is occupied. An asbestos cement roof protects them from the elements. Mirna, her three children, her husband and a disabled sister live here.

"At the Film Festival, more people come from Holguín and Havana than from Gibara itself." There is no movie here

"People come to the Festival and do not think that just a few minutes from the center of Gibara so many people live in these conditions and even worse than us," he said. he laments. "I love movies and music, I give films to my children and that has developed their taste.The girl loves to paint and she does it well, but our economic situation does not allow us to party. "

Mirna Borjas believes that what happens in the city during the event should generate a reflection:" At the Film Festival more people come from Holguin and Havana than from Gibara itself. There is no movie in Gibara, they only do movies during the week of the festival, and the people who attend the most are musical activities. "

The people of Gibralta do not can not appreciate the seventh art because more than three years ago As confirmed by several workers related to cultural institutions and cinema Jaiba, for the festival, they bring from Havana a Chaplin cinema projector .

"The video room does not work either.The 3D team broke because of the humidity, they brought it to Holguin and they do not have it. have brought more, "said one of the employees.

"The video room does not work either.The 3D team broke because of the humidity, they brought it to Holguin and they do not have it. have brought more "

" They insist that people come to see the films that the Festival brings in. But how will people come if the gibareños do not have a habit? The cinema works here as a meeting room for the Party and the government, "said another worker who preferred not to be identified.

"Yesterday, one of the directors of the Festival came to present his film and left the room almost crying because only five people came to see her.If you do not create habits in people you will not get what you want, in this case they come to the movies.Play movies a week a year does not create any habit, so it's illogical to hope that at least the Gibber come to the movies, "he adds.

The vast majority of exposed films have very little audience. On the occasion, the play was completely filled with the screening of Fear and Asco in Las Vegas by Terry Gilliam, presented by one of his protagonists, the Puerto Rican actor Benicio del Toro

They also had good clbadics like Lucia ] by Humberto Solás, Memories of Underdevelopment, by Tomás Titón Gutiérrez Alea and The Dark Side from the heart by Eliseo Subiela, all from the Restored Clbadics section, chance to pay homage to memorable films that, in the case of Lucia and Memories celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2018.

<img src = "" width = "623" height = "351" alt = "The house of Mirna in Gibara. (14ymedio) [19659014] The Elativas proposals to music were those which more number of public realized. concerts such as those of Silvio Rodríguez, Pancho Céspedes, Síntesis, Haydeé Milanés overflowed from Plaza Dasilva.

This great success of Friday was the world premiere of Smoke's work with the performance of actors Rene de la Cruz and Felix Beatón, under the direction of the young playwright Yunior García, who in 2015 became well known in the social networks for the 15 issues that, in the middle of a meeting of the Hermanos Saíz Association, made the first secretary of the Communist Party in the province of Holguín

The proposals related to music were those that have the greatest number of spectators. Concerts like those of Silvio Rodríguez, Pancho Céspedes, Síntesis, Haydeé Milanés overflowed Place Dasilva

Among the most acclaimed performances were those of the Teatro Andante, La Cita directed by the famous actor and playwright Osvaldo Doimeadios, and the choreography Death planned in the scenario presented by the company Holguín Codanza

Also the photographic exhibitions Humberto Solás: A desire, a road by Alicia García, It is the hope of Gabriel Guerra Bianchini, Retrospective of Cosme Proenza, as well as Lights of Gibara, Movie Posters and Gibara, a city of cinema they were well received by the local public.

On Saturday, the closing gala is over with the performance of Fito Páez. The Argentinian, very popular at the end of the last century in Cuba, performs many of his most famous songs like Giro, Cable a tierra, A vestido and amor, 11 yse, I come to offer my heart and Next to the road . With his show, he has strengthened the "festival tunes" thanks to the close relationship that the singer had with this big screen that, in Gibara, closes until next year.


Lucía Award for Best Feature Film

Los Modernos (Uruguay) Directed by Marcela Matta

This film awards the Best Actor Award actress to: Noelia Campo [19659002] …………………………….

Lucia Best Short Film Award feature film:

The destiny of salao (Colombia) Dir. Felipe Holguín

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Lucia Award for the best visual style :

Feature film Step by step (France) You also have

Best director award: (Shared)

Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir for the film

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Lucia Award best documentary:

Kumu Hina (United States) Dir. Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson

Lucia Award for Best Short Documentary:

About (Netherlands) os) Dir Koen Suidgeest

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Prize for Best Original Screenplay:

Guanajay (Cuba) Director Carlos Lechuga [19659002] Humberto Solás Prize for the cinema under construction:

Long documentary

Organ with the rhythm of molío threads (Holguín, Cuba) Director Rosa María Rodríguez

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Special Jury Prize

Fiction Feature film

Casting (Germany) Dir. Nicolás Wackerbartth.

This film also receives the Press prize (shared)

Press prize

Feature film Live fiction and others (Spain) Dir Jo Sol

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Best Male Performance Award

Peter Paul Muller for Feature Film Bram Fischer (South Africa-Netherlands)

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Special Prize of the Public

Sergio and Serguei (Cuba) Ernesto Daranas

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Prize for a Culture of Nature

To the Short Documentary El Monte (Cuba) Dir Claudia Claremi.

He also gets a special mention in documentary in a shared way

Award for Best Short Documentary

Women … Garbage to Well-being (Cuba ) Dir.Lizette Vila and Ingrid León [19659002] ___________________________________________________________________________

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