Gibara enjoyed his great festival and paid tribute to exceptional children


  Inauguration of the Gibara Film Festival / (Photo: Lisandra Cardoso / Angulo Radio)

(Photo: Lisandra Cardoso / Radio Angulo)

By José Aguilera

  Young gibareños with torches, reminiscent of the historical march / Photo: Lisandra Cardoso-Radio Angulo

Young gibars with torches, recalling the historic march of the Centennial Generation, opened the parade / Photo: Lisandra Cardoso-Radio Angulo

] Many agree to say that the 14th edition of the Gibara International Film Festival, recently celebrated, was a great cultural event of great scale, in various manifestations of the arts. The city of this seaside town has appreciated in style; He also took the opportunity to pay tribute to two of his children with relevant careers and residents of the Cuban capital.

José Reinaldo Fernández Vega and José Ernesto Aguilera Reina, veteran of journalism, with over 50 years of professional experience and in the last two decades as director of Bohemia magazine, and the second, a young craftsman who created the successful cultural project Humidores Habana, received the highest distinction awarded by this beautiful city: the City Coat of Arms. Also for important contributions both to their homeland and to the country they were object of other recognitions.

  A giant Cuban flag to open the march / Photo: Lisandra Cardoso-Radio Angulo

A giant Cuban flag to open the march / Photo: Lisandra Cardoso-Radio Angulo

It is interesting to share the experiences of popular participation the high cultural level in which these activities occurred.

The delivery of the City Shield was part of the inaugural program of the 14th Gibara International Film Festival, and this memorable day took place on July 1, in a beautiful act where he was present, we can say that the 39, the vast majority of the community of Gibareña, although some say that no one stayed that night.

  Jorge Perogurría, president of the Festival, and Benicio del Toro / Photo: Cubadebate

Multilayer actors Jorge Perogurría, president of the Festival, and Ben Ici del Toro / Photo: Cubadebate

The mbadive and enthusiastic mbad parade was led by young men carrying torches and a giant Cuban flag, held by prominent filmmakers and other Cuban artists of different nationalities, presided over by the Party and government authorities in the province of Holguin and the municipality of Gibara; also presents all the cultural institutions and political and mbad organizations of this Eastern territory.

  The iconic actress Mirta Ibarra, awarded at the Festival / Photo: Newspaper Now

The iconic actress Mirta Ibarra, awarded at the Festival / Photo: Journal now

On one end of the big flag has Minister of Tourism, Manuel Marrero and Deputy Minister of Culture Fernando Rojas, with a large number of relevant artists; among them, the nationalized Puerto Rican actor and producer, Benicio del Toro, winner of numerous awards such as Oscar, Globo de Oro and the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival. And among the luminaries of the patio, the multi-winner Jorge Perugorria, president of the Gibara International Film Festival and Renecito de la Cruz, artistic director.

The closing of the opening of the Festival with great success: Concierto de Silvio Rodríguez / Photo: Radio Angulo

After the enthusiastic walk for several blocks of a sloping street flooded by a city sea , in which more than 200 participating Festival artists marched, it was advanced by Independence – Old Real Street in the colonial era – until the Plaza Mayor, the moving ceremony was organized by Martha María González Hernández, secretary of the Municipal Assembly of People 's Power in Gibara, who read the respective biographical summaries of Fernández Vega and Aguilera Reina and in front of this crowd of their fellow citizens, they were solemnly handed to each one of them the symbolic coat of arms of the city. something to remember. Immediately Perrogurria declared the Festival inaugurated. The concert of Silvio Rodríguez could not have ended better than the concert of Silvio Rodríguez

  Act at the Gibara Museum, among the presents, the President of the Festival, Perogurría, the President of the Government and the Party Secretary to Gibara / Photo: Jesús Bohemia

Act in the Gibara Museum, among the present the President of the Festival, Perogurría, the President of the Government and the Party Secretary in Gibara / Photo: Jesús Bohemia

The next day, Monday July 2 , also As part of the 14th International Gibara Film Festival and as part of the activities for the traditional celebration of the Absent Gibareño, an exhibition of the Humidores Habana Project was inaugurated at the City Museum. The President of the Festival, Jorge Perugorria, was present, with the administrative, political and cultural authorities of the municipality, as well as gibareños and absent residents.

In this act of inauguration of the exhibition, held in greeting at the Film Festival, they were presented by the leaders of the Association of Absentees Gibareños, to each of the two laureates at this occasion, a painting with the image of the Villa of Gibara and a text that declares them both as Gibareño Absent of Honor. Also the direction of the museum, gave to them a necklace of coquinas similar to which the illegal fighters of the locality gave to Frank País, when the young revolutionary leader visited Gibara, to elaborate bracelets of the movement of the 26 of July. Adrian Rojas Rodríguez, the first party secretary in Gibara, were the last words of this activity of profound cultural and patriotic content.


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