Gilberto Santa Rosa meets the expectations of the Cuban public


For decades, Cubans dreamed of enjoying a concert by Puerto Rican singer Gilberto Santa Rosa, finally patience is rewarded and twice.

In Cuba, El caballero of salsa, as we know Santa Rosa is the favorite of many and the concert that he offered the day before at the Jazz & Son Festival of Josone Varadero is an irrefutable proof of the depth of his music on the taste of Cubans.

this was not affected by the mode changes. "I think that there is a connection that once established, if we take care of it, it does not break," he told Prensa Latina a few minutes before his first concert on the island

"I think music is evolving, generations are happening and everyone has their music, but what a blessing when you can, I think one of the leaders is love. People fall in love and things start to change, it's related to what I sing, "says the 55-year-old singer.

To those who succeed, he adds, I give them a hint, although no one asks him he said in a joking tone): "Take care of your moment and try to give the best of yourself and evolve so that the music you make lasts. "

Santa Rosa is an artist in every sense of the word. more minimum detail, and that is that years of work have been able to shape their relationship with the public, ultimately recipient of their work.

The salsero does not allow error, and with the charisma raises the unexpected, his staging has show concepts, and as such sells, just mentions his name guarantees warranties.

Without preamble came on stage and began to sing, the repertoire a tour of the most important of his work, and that the show meets the tour & # 39; 40 and counting, a celebration of your four days

The gentleman of salsa accompanied by his orchestra began with Querer's Lunch, Cuban song Donato Poveda, a wink of complicity to a country and a culture that contributed a lot to his professional success. 19659003] Santa Rosa on more than one occasion has incorporated in his repertoire of author themes of the island, and that is that Cuban music has a but important in his work.

& # 39; All those who do this genre have a natural connection with Cuban music, in my case, without wanting to paint me as an expert, I know the music of the island since the Roots up to today, like singers, I learned a lot from some of them, "he said, being influenced by artists such as the legendary Carlos Embale, Abelardo Barroso, Roberto Faz and Tito Gómez, while recognizing his sympathy for the work of, among others, Roberto Hernández, singer of the Los Van Van Orchestra, Isaac Delgado and Cándido Fabre, whom he admitted to be a great admirer

A complete park Josone de Varadero sang the songs Montón de estrellas, Polo Montañez, and Beginning and end of a green morning, by Pablo Milanés, also the Conscience Succeeded and Living Without It, Waste, What way to love you, and The love of love, among many others.

The concert has respired "We are waiting for the expectations, in a way the Puerto Rican hoped: Things are happening at the right time, and that 's the time to come," he said.

A second performance tomorrow at the Havana promenade awaits Santa Rosa, an open concert that will end his first visit to Havana. Cuba.

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