Global free broadband ranking: Chile is in the top 100 | Technology


The website, which specializes in the badysis of broadband services around the world, has published its new ranking of countries with the best broadband service .

According to the information recorded by The Guardian, the ranking ordered 200 countries according to the stability and average speed of their connections.

The best rated is Singapore with an average speed of 60 megabits per second (Mbps), followed by Sweden with 46 Mbps, Denmark with 44 Mbps , Norway with 40 Mbps and Romania ] with 38 Mbps.

Other cases are Japan which is in position 12 with 29 Mbps, Hong Kong in position 19 with 26 Mbps and United States with 25 Mbps. The United Kingdom for its part, is ranked 35 with 28 Mbps.

[19459003Chile meanwhile, is in the top 100 of the list in 1945 with 4.74 Mbps, an increase of 36 positions since the last badysis.

This position Chile by Peru places 113 with 3.31 Mbps, Argentina in position 116 with 3.18 Mbps and Brazil ] in position 133 with 2.58 Mbps, which makes the country one of the best rated broadband in South America next to Uruguay which is rated as the number 78 with 6.19 Mbps.

The new ranking It shows that developing countries that have progressed rapidly to meet the demand for digital communication on their territory, while the more developed are in a stagnant situation.

In the best of cases, like the United States, they advanced one rank, while in others, like the United Kingdom, they lost 4 positions in a single year.
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