Gloria Estefan will receive her Gold Medal of Fine Arts in Madrid


The famous Cuban artist Gloria Estefan will receive the gold medal of the Merit of the Fine Arts Monday, July 23, from the Minister of Culture and Sports, José Guirao.

It will take place at the Teatro Real in Madrid, enjoying a visit to Madrid of the singer and her husband, Emilio Estefan. The price you will receive, is with which the Spanish Ministry of Culture distinguishes the people and entities who have excelled in the field of artistic and cultural creation.

The actress and composer, could not receive her medal in the ceremony last February that kings presided at the Pompidou Museum in Malaga, due to force majeure.

The "mother of Latin pop" won, among others, seven Grammy awards a star in the Walk of Fame and the former president of the United States Barack Obama decorated it in November 2015 with the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor of the American country, according to details in a statement from the Ministry of Culture.

Similarly, Gloria is considered one of the most influential immigrants in the United States and is a respected personality of the artistic world both in this country and on the outside.

nfluyente banda Miami Sound Machine has its own tribute on Broadway, which in 2015 launched the musical On Your Feet, which tells the life of Estefan.

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