Good day, fellow countrymen! | Bohemia Magazine


Elpidio Valdes, one of the best animated Cubans of all time. (Photo:

By Maria Elena Alvarez Ponce

Congratulations, countless kisses and an immense hug in which everyone fits, transmitted Rosa María Ramírez Montero, President of the Organization of pioneers Jose Martí, Cuban children and adolescents, the third Sunday of July, which is their day.

The member of the National Bureau of the Union of Young Communists also congratulated them for the happy ending of the 2017-2018 school year, an intense school year and with a lot of tensions derived from weather phenomena, that forced, even, readjustments in the schedule, plans and programs of study and caused damage to a significant number of schools.

Despite the adversities, Much has been done and we have made progress, it is not ours who is a people that is allowed to overcome by the adversities, and again the forces of the Cuban educational system and the tremendous potentialities with which to the sector, and this includes, of course, our beloved pioneers, expressed exclusively at ACN.

Congratulations, for the many joys that they give to this people every day, that they do everything while thinking about their children and

This Prepared Childhood, who knows what it's all about wants and how to defend what it has, rewards the insomnia of those who dreamed the new homeland and made the Revolution, he said. Ramírez Montero, and spoke of the "new pines" as recipients of every effort and conquest, but also as protagonists of the enormous task of building the future.

They never failed or betrayed the confidence of the Revolution, expressed in the facts. as this consultation of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro to the pioneers, on July 6, 1974, to decide on the date of celebration of Children's Day, celebrated since then every third Sunday of July,

To enjoy the Summer, it means games, walks, beach, TV, but do not forget those good friends who are the books and on this special day promise you to discover something new every day, enjoy He had enormous pleasure in learning and he added in his message to all Cuban children.

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