Goodbye to the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea (+ Photos)


By Richard Ruíz Julién

Addis Ababa, July 15 (Prensa Latina) The flags of Ethiopia and Eritrea are still rushing sharply in the avenues of this capital, the second day of the visit of President Isaias Afwerki, who promises more emotions for both peoples.

The day reserves the reopening of the embbady; While waiting for the historical event, the joy in the streets is remarkable, the euphoria is reflected in the insignia of the two countries drawn on the face or carried by pbaders-by in their hands.

Even local observers are trying to catch their breath after yesterday's meetings between Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, 41, and Afwerki, 71.

"The pace of this process is simply incredible," said Omar S Mahmood, a researcher at the Research Institute. Peace and Security in Addis Ababa

The meeting between the leaders concluded an intense episode of diplomacy that seems to have ended one of the most intractable conflicts in Africa.

"Words can not express the joy we feel now," said the Eritrean state chief himself, lunching with Ahmed. We are a person. Never again opposed. Whoever forgets this will never understand the moment we live.

Many also voiced their optimism on the streets, like Tariku Kejela, who had a personal motive of being encouraged by the stages of reconciliation that both leaders lead. Kejela lost her younger brother, a soldier of this nation, during the two-year border war with Eritrea.

"For a long time, I prayed for peace, today I thank God for showing this wonderful moment of peace and peace. Love, "Kejela told Prensa Latina.

Referring to the attack with grenades on June 23 during a demonstration to support the current administration and the dissatisfaction of some for rapprochement with the Eritreans, he called all those who seek to sabotage the peace process

"From now on, our relationship will accelerate in the fast lane, and every Ethiopian must stop those who want to ruin it "

Analysts say that such a hyperbole may be warranted." The commitment to peace is only the latest in a series of events. " efforts that can bring a revolutionary reform to the second most populous nation of Africa, transform a region and send shockwaves from the Mediterranean to the Cape of Good Hope.

Since taking office in April, the leader electrified Ethiopia with his informal style, his charisma and its energy, in the opinion of specialists; He reshaped the cabinet and dismissed a series of controversial and then untouchable officials, including the head of the national penitentiary service.

In addition, he lifted bans on websites and other media, released thousands of political prisoners, ordered partial privatization of businesses The Ethiopian state was on the brink of abyss. He put an end to the state of emergency imposed to quell the generalized unrest and eliminated three groups of opposition from a list of "terrorist" organizations

. They realized that they can not continue the same way. Only an advanced democratic system would prevent the country's collapse and a disaster that the continent has never known before, "said Nic Cheeseman, an expert on African politics at the University of Birmingham

. links of another nature remained unchanged until 1998, when differences around territorial boundaries led to a large-scale military clash that lasted until 2000; the final toll of the dead it raises to nearly 80 thousand people, according to statistics in this regard.

Although a pact of non-aggression officially closed the clashes 18 years ago, sporadic skirmishes continue to The Frontier

The merger began last month when Addis Ababa announced that it would abide by a UN-backed decision and make disputed territories in Asmara.

For the moment, the reforms of Ahme d have popular support and crucial support from much of the Ethiopian Revolutionary People's Revolutionary Front (EPRFD), which runs the country.

But there is resistance, especially from some factions that make up the EPRdf, like the Tigrayan Liberation Front, the architect of the movement. this led the coalition to power in 1991.

"Love always wins … For those who have tried to divide us, I want to tell you: you will not succeed", the prime minister recently commented.

mem / rrj / gdc

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