Government and unions of Costa Rica without agreement on fiscal deficit


July 9, 2018, 22:36 San Jose, July 9 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of the Costa Rican labor movement today presented a proposal that would address the high budget deficit without the need more taxes, while the government insisted At the fifth meeting between representatives of both parties, union leaders led their progressive and fair tax initiative that would allow the collection of financial resources without imposing more taxes on people, such as the controversial legal project Strengthening public finances, called the tax plan.

A press release from the labor movement says some immediate actions could mean a recovery of new resources for the state between three and four percent. percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), thanks to taxes on big profits and international transactions In addition, unions claim to have other tax initiatives that could be called contingency, which guarantee the entry of new resources , structural proposals to achieve greater progressivity and tax fairness and projects to correct the mechanisms that

The union demands that the government withdraws its budget plan from the legislative component and opens a dialogue table to find the solution among all sectors of society to high budget deficit, which closed 2017 in However, through a press release, the government responded that stopping the process of tax projects in the Legislature would have a serious impact on the country and warned that if this reform was not advanced there will be very serious effects on the devel opment, social security and even the acquired rights of public officials. 19659003] Nevertheless, government representatives reiterated their commitment to unconditional, transparent and inclusive dialogue aimed at the well-being of all citizens, as well as their willingness to listen to the labor proposals and concerns of the labor movement.

The Government-Union Union is in the custody of the National Education Advocacy and Pension Council with the mediation of the Catholic Church.

Costa Rica's Vice President Marvin Rodríguez said the government would badyze the proposal. presented by the labor movement and will respond to it.

agp / ale

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