Government rejects statements by US MP



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia today issued an official declaration with which the statements of the American Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, are rejected and declared interfering . In recent days he has questioned President Evo Morale to "curtail the fundamental rights of the Bolivian people" to perpetrate power.

"The statements of the Member of Parliament Ros-Lehtinen, of 19459004, violate the basic principles that must exist in the relations between the states ", indicates the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

According to the republican legislator , Morales "took systematic steps to restrict the fundamental rights of the Bolivian people and consolidate its legacy to maintain its control of power," badertions that were taken as "clear evidence of the interest of discrediting a government for having decided sovereignly to repudiate "

It should be noted that this is not the first time that he questions the president, because in December 2017, he accuses Morales of his intention to reform through "a rigged judicial system". In his favor. "He also said that " if we do not pay attention to Bolivia, he will soon become Cuba, in another Venezuela. "

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Morales has was elected democratically with 61% of the votes.

"It is the reason why is an absurdity to question the legitimacy of the Bolivian government. The Plurinational State of Bolivia is a free and sovereign country that promotes self-determination. The statement of the deputy Ros-Lehtinen had already had repercussions in the ruling party, which severely criticized such claims

"Right-wing American Congress, Ros Lehtien, did not notice in anticipating interventionist actions in our Plurinational State of Bolivia, he did so from the pulpit of the United States Congress against a sovereign people "said Minister of Communication Gisela López. through his Twitter account.

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