Government remains cautious despite Beryl's weakening


Governor Ricardo Rosselló urged citizens to live in vulnerable areas to escape the Beryl Pbad as a tropical wave in southern Puerto Rico. Although the system weakened and will thus continue, according to forecasts, to the approach of our region, the island should receive between two to four inches of rain .

"We reiterate the importance of people living in flood zones by planning to move to safer areas, including government shelters." People with zinc roofs or "blue roofs" "(Awnings) do the same.There is always a high risk of flooding in Puerto Rico," insisted Mr. Rosselló during a press conference of the Office of Emergency Management. and disaster management.

The governor mentioned that the system should move fairly quickly and that the strongest winds are affecting the south of the island.

"At 17:00 Beryl was at latitude 12.7 north, 52.7 west, and travels west-northwest at 17 miles per hour," said meteorologist Ernesto Morales, on the National Hurricane Center's newsletter (NHC, for its acronym in English).

Morales explained that when the atmospheric phenomenon reaches the Caribbean Basin, it will find an environment more hostile to its development.

" It is expected that he will lose intensity as he moves around our region. It is recommended that you do not let your guard down, even if it is "It's not an event like a storm or hurricane, it can generate enough rain across the island." The system will deteriorate as Puerto Rico approaches. You must monitor their movement as it can be a significant event of the rain, "he said.

Meanwhile, Rosselló reported that the Coast Guard and the Harbor Authority director have decided and Snake as sea conditions permit.

"Our expectation is to be able to announce the citizens when the service will stop," he said.

In addition, he noted that there are 68 hospitals, as well as 45 of the 48 dialysis centers in operation.

"We depend on mayors to see what shelters will be available. The Emergency Operations Center will open us at 14:00 Sunday, "said Rosselló.

According to the NHC's 17:00," the intensity forecast shows the system weakening at a tropical depression for the moment it reaches the Caribbean Sea or, perhaps, earlier, then it is likely that Beryl will open to a low after 48 hours. "

However, the NHC warns that It is still possible that some of the Lesser Antilles islands, where warnings and tropical storm monitoring are still in effect, are receiving direct impacts from wind and rain.

" Winds Gusts and heavy rains are also possible across the rest of the Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, until the beginning of the work week "reads the bulletin.

Yesterday, the governor suspended work at the government as well as the camps and other activities in the public schools of the country. In addition, the University of Puerto Rico has reported that there would be no clbades in the system. The touch of the stay and the dry law have not been activated.

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