Governor promises to stop the resources for the Cuban army if it reaches the US Senate. – New



  The governor of Florida, Rick Scott. EFE / Archivo

The governor of Florida, Rick Scott. EFE / Archivo (Photo: EFE )

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Miami, July 13 (EFE) .- The governor of Florida, Rick Scott, has promised that when he is elected senator in November, he will prevent Cuban military entities from taking full advantage of US economic activities in the restrictions imposed on them. 2017 by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
Scott, an ally of the president, said that "unfortunately," Trump's policy against Cuba "was not applied correctly and many Cuban military entities were not on the initial list, issued by the US Department of Justice. 39; state. "
The governor, who seeks to oust Democratic Senator Bill Nelson in the legislative elections on November 6, today presented his plans for Cuba to a Cuban audience in Hialeah, a city near Miami.
Trump announced last year in Miami the ban on financial transactions of US companies with the Cuban army, but the lack of a "full" implementation has been questioned by members of the Cuban-American Congress.
Scott's campaign badured today that he will seek "to deny the Cuban army all possible access to financial resources".
On the other hand, he said that he will seek the reinstatement of Cuba in the list of states sponsoring terrorism after the withdrawal promoted in 2015 by the then President Barack Obama's government, which has promoted an approach policy of the island.
He also stated that he intended to bring to justice former Cuban President Raúl Castro "for the murder of US citizens and crimes against humanity", including the four pilots from Brothers to the Rescue slaughtered in 1996 by Cuban fighters.
"It is our duty to support those who are oppressed by dictators and denied the right to live freely," Scott said during the campaign.
In addition to a seat in the Senate, Florida will renew November 6 its 27 seats in the federal House of Representatives.


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