Granma, with the same rebellion and the same courage 65 years later


Bayamo, Cuba. – A few hours of July 26, when we commemorate the 65 years of the Centennial Generation, with a rebellious character and a desire for freedom, to make the Assault to Barracks Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes the city of Granma evoked such a glorious page of history

From the Museum Ñico López and with the presence of the Commander of the Revolution, Guillermo García, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, Federico Hernández, meant the transcendence of this clarion of courage and commitment of young Martians.

Because there was an badault on the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and there was a Fidel, could it be shown how much more the ideas that the weapons said louder.

Hernandez accentuated the draft constitution which will be submitted to the consultation of the citizen, a sample of the protag lism of the people at the time of the Revolution.

Commitment to the future ruler of the motherland

Young people swear not to forget Fidel; to him we will pay the worship of the works, in the furrow, the workshops, the culture, everywhere badured Nilsa García, in representation of the new generations.

In the provincial law in Granma by the 65 He ratified the commitment with Cuba and Our America, because the mission today is – he said – of the study and to make advance the country at the necessary price, when imperialism will return to the region with its neoliberal offensive.

The opportunity was conducive to recognize Bayamo, an avant-garde municipality at the end of the semester, and the exceptional Cristo Cauto, Buey Arriba, Media Luna and Manzanillo.

The artistic talent of Granma gave an afternoon in which, from the Museum Ñico López, they converged the history, the present and the commitment of a people with the future sovereign of the homeland.

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