Guanacaste generates nearly 40% of Costa Rica's own energy


July 23, 2018, 12:25 San Jose, July 23 (Prensa Latina) The province of Guanacaste generates 38.22% of Costa Rica's own energy, and is the only one that produces electricity. Electricity from among the five renewable sources used today in this country.

In the northwest of this nation of Central America which has been highlighted in recent years for its high energy production from the use of water, geothermal, wind, biombad and higher sun. With 97% and a record of 99.65% in 2017, Guanacaste is currently the Costa Rican heart of own generation. Its 27 factories in this sector provide 977.96 megawatts / hour of energy to the National Electric System (SEN), equivalent to 38.22% of the total produced in this country.

In 1994, with a solid sustainable component, geothermal energy was integrated as a second source of renewable energy to the national matrix, says a press release from the Presidential House regarding the trip to five-day work carried out by the Costa Rican President, Carlos Alvarado, at Guanacaste

. the text recalls that in this province the first wind power plant in Latin America was installed in 1996, which was the starting point for the country to become one of the world leaders of the participation of this source in its matrix of electricity production. It surpbades the average of the nations of the European Union

Similarly, it continues, in Guanacaste, the first photovoltaic electricity production plant in the isthmus of Central America has been installed in 2012: S Olar Miravalles

In addition, since the mid-1990s, the Taboga and El Viejo sweets have been adding electricity to the SENs during the harvest season, thanks to the Use of biombad

rgh / ale

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