Haila's national tour will stop in Camagüey this weekend


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Camagüey, Summer, Music, Concert, Haila María Mompié, National Tour

Camagüey, July 20th. As part of the national tour To enjoy Cuba, Haila María Mompié will be presented in front of the Camagueyan public next Sunday, at 9:00 pm, on the Place of the General Revolution Ignacio Agramonte and Loynaz,

The Cuban singer is the voice main theme that identifies the summer of 2018 and his tour is one of the proposals of the summer scene, which led these days to excellent presentations of domestic and foreign musicians in different parts of the country.

In the capital of Camagüey, tickets to attend his presentation are on sale this Thursday, priced at five pesos, in the microdistrict Ignacio Agramonte poliservice, next to the mechanical factory; the Houses of Culture Joaquín de Agüero, Ignacio Agramonte and Amalia Simoni; the Provincial and Municipal Offices of Culture, the Casablanca multiplex and the Los Fortines store, in the Nadales division

Sones, guarachas, congas and other genres that make up its repertoire, will be appreciated by the participants of the concert, organized by the Ministry of Culture and the Union of Young Communists

On September 1, in Baracoa, Guantanamo, will conclude the trip of Haila, after two months of musical tour of the island. (Dania Diaz Socarras / Radio Cadena Agramonte.) (Image: File)

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