Havana leaders exchange with the delegates of the X UPEC Congress


  Havana leaders exchange with delegates at the X UPEC Congress. Photo: From the Author Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba in Havana, and Reynaldo García Zapata, President of the Territorial Government, held a meeting with the delegation of the press at the capital of the X Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC).

The exchange took place on the day of the opening of the fourth edition of the Havana Fair in Expocuba, during which the leaders expressed their support for the organization and trust in the representation that the city will have in the event.

Access your convention with the spirit of the winners, with the love and the feeling of the many beautiful things that we still have to do for this beautiful Cuba. Count on us for support, said Torres Iríbar.

He also referred to the current efforts in the welfare of the city and its inhabitants, and in that sense has evaluated the need to do it right and to fight everything that is done is taken care of and maintained.

He also called on the press to contribute to the dissemination of local stories and to deepen the identity values ​​of municipalities, and recalled the example of the perseverance of the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro Ruz, paradigm of what can be done even when things seemed impossible.

In the meeting was discussed as a theme, in addition, the proximity of the 500th anniversary of the founding of Havana, and delegates could learn about the promotional campaign organized on the occasion of the event. ; ephemeris.


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