He began the plenary session of the VI Congress of the PSUV


.- N.- With the slogan "Chávez vive" and with applause in the honor of President Hugo Chávez, began the plenary of the Fourth Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela ( PSUV) an event It takes place at the Hotel Alba Caracas

In the law is the first vice president of the red canopy, Diosdado Cabello, and members of the national leadership of the Party organization, as well as the territorial and sectoral delegates elected in the Assemblies of the Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCh).

Cabello reported Friday that the delegates representing the various entities of the country arrived in Caracas at the IVth Congress of the organization, which is opening today at the Alba Hotel. Caracas between 28 and 30 July.

"Our delegates and delegates from all over the country are already coming to the 4th Socialist Congress of the Psouv an extraordinary manifestation of activism, lucionaria, welcome to all, we will win," he said.

At the plenary session of the Pseu to be held on Saturday, 670 participants will be elected through the territorial and sectoral bases of the Bolívar-Chávez Units Battalion (UBCh) – which together the council will address issues such as the construction of the new productive economic model of the country, actions to improve public services and the deepening of participatory and protagonist democracy, in search of the new beginning of the Bolivarian revolution.

Party delegates will address and make proposals on various topics of national interest, including economic issues and public services, for which they will establish thirteen discussion tables. It was also reported that about thirty foreign guests were invited, most of them having already confirmed their participation.

There will be a plenary opening session and a closing plenary session and the chair, Nicolás Maduro, is expected to attend both. Since May 29, the date of the conclave's announcement, training and discussion sessions on basic documents have been organized in the Bolívar-Chávez combat units.

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