High attendance of visitors to the sculptural complex Ernesto Guevara


Thousands of Cubans and foreigners visit the sculptural complex Ernesto Che Guevara

Santa Clara, Cuba. – This Wednesday, the sculptural complex Ernesto Guevara, located in the city of Santa Clara has reached five million visitors since its inauguration, which shows the interest for Cuba and the alien for Approach to the life and work of Che

The documents of the historical institution include only those who visit the museum and attend the memorial where rest the remains of the Latin American revolutionary and some of his fellow Bolivian guerrillas. 19659003] Noris Cárdenas, director of the center, added that the figures do not count for the thousands of people who arrive in the open areas, nor for the participants in the political and cultural events, the graduations that take place in the complex. [19659003] Cárdenas pointed out that this year will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of Che, and for the month of December, evocations are planned for the three decades of the inauguration of the historic institution. .

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