High rice production in the Cuban central province


Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, July 20 (Prensa Latina) The South Jíbaro Grain Company, in this central province, will end the cold season with more than 60,000 tons of wet rice and record yields, it was known today. ; hui.
Oslando Linares, director of the company, confirmed to the press that yields exceeded 5.5 tons per hectare, a figure never reached at this productive stage.

Sancti Spiritus rice farmers contribute about 25% of the cereal consumption in the year.

He commented that it was possible to offset the damage caused to the plantations by the recent subtropical Alberto storm and the projected for the cold stage is exceeded.

In one month alone, Linares explained, harvesting half a million quintals (about 22,000 tons), heroism that helped to reduce the damage caused by heavy rains last May.

According to the progress of the harvest will be possible to exceed 22 000 104 hectares of planting of the year, and the delivery of 44 thousand tons of rice consumption, Linares said.

mgt / rga

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