Highlights of Work Priorities in Holguin


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The Third Ordinary Session of the Twelfth Term of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power in Holguín badyzed a broad program of work focusing on the tasks that are a priority for this territory from east of Cuba.

the meeting presented a report on the control and inspection carried out by the Assembly's temporary committee on the operation of the system of attention to the population, a document that stressed that until Now this year more than 15 thousand 200 cases have been followed and the municipalities Holguín, Moa, Banes and Calixto García were the most frequent

The agenda included an badysis presented by the Standing Committee which deals with the business of the economy on the execution of the plan and the execution of the budget at the end of the first semester. of the year

 Asamblea gobierno01 f cubadebate "title =" Ordinary meeting of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power in Holguín. Photo: Now "style =" float: left; In this regard, there was a consensus that the key indicators badociated with budget execution show positive results in the badyzed phase, which translates into compliance with the programmed levels of activity in the plan, which is due to the sustainability of spending in the social field.

For its part, the Standing Committee, which deals with construction, housing and water resources, presents the results of the control and supervision of subsidies. to individuals for the construction of houses by their own efforts.

The deputies and delegates to this working session of the Provincial Assembly of the People's Power enriched the aforementioned reports with their interventions, while at the same time highlighting progress and difficulties. tasks that are priorities for integral work in the Holguin Territory.

Ernesto Santiesteban Velázq Uez, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Holguin Province, emphasized food production, the economic battle, the preparation of the next sugar harvest, the housing program, Resource saving and confrontation with harmful behavior, among others.

Santiesteban Velázquez, in particular, urged the Holguín to participate mbadively in the political consultation process on the draft new Constitution of the Republic of Cuba.

General of the Army Corps, Ramón Espinosa Martín, member of the Political Bureau and Deputy Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, attended this ordinary session of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power; Inés María Chapman Waugh, Vice President of State Councils and Ministers, and Reyna Salerno Escalona, ​​Member of the State Council, among other political and administrative leaders

  Roberto Ortiz del Toro

Author: Roberto Ortiz del Toro Email: This email address is being protected from spambots.

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