Highlights promotion and graduation of more than one million Venezuelans


July 4, 2018, 19:07 Caracas, July 4 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's Minister of Education, Elias Jaua, today celebrated the graduation and promotion of more children. A million students of different levels of education He said that more than 494 thousand young people will receive their high school diplomas in the modalities of secondary education, technical media, adults and children. the Ribas mission, a 4% increase in secondary education. In addition, the education authorities plan to promote 535,841 pupils from the sixth to the first year of secondary education, which represents an increase of 2.5 percentage points over the previous academic year.

] In the Venezolana de Televisión broadcast, the Minister of Education stressed the importance of these indicators "in the middle of the disproportionate and criminal international aggression unleashed against the pueblo "The South American Nation."

He announced that next week they will perform the graduation acts of high school graduates from Middle and Higher Technical Schools of the country.

agp / wup

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