His story has moved the world


Garrett Michael Matthias died at the age of five this week, a cancer victim that he had suffered since the age of nine months. The boy decided to prepare his funeral with the things that he liked the most. His story has turned the world upside down.

"We never talked about his funeral, we had never had the conversation with him that he was going to die, but we had a lot of conversations about:" When I die, I want to do that, "said his mother Emilie Matthias to CNN .

The little boy, residing in Iowa, USA, wrote an emotional text in which he left all his desires, the things he liked the most and the ones he hated the most. "He also preferred to change his last name to Boofias because he said his real name was very difficult to pronounce.

"I want to be cremated (like when Thor's mother died) and turned into a tree to have a place to live when I am" The things I love most: playing with my sister, my Blue Bunny, Thrash Metal, Legos, my daycare friends and Batman. "

Michael wrote his own obituary and clarified that he hated pants, dirty and stupid cancer and needles.

"When I die I'll be a gorilla and I'll poop Papa!"

"It is he who speaks, these are his words," he said. his father, Ryan Matthias. "When I read them, it's as if Garret was talking to me."

His funeral, this Saturday, had fireworks as he had requested.

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