Hostage reported in a supermarket in California, United States


This Saturday, there is a police mobilization in California, USA, a man is entrenched in a supermarket and took several people who were in the place hostage in Silverlake.

The area is protected by several elements of

It all started with a police chase that began in the Hollywood region

. According to early reports, the suspect hit his car on a post and left him with a woman inside.

He took refuge in the premises, where he took hostages from clients and workers

Police rescued the woman accompanying the suspect and surrounded the property.

Moments later, a shooting with the police took place.

Up to now, an injured person is reported; some victims were saved through a window, including a group of children.

The LAPD responds to an intrenched man with hostages in a supermarket.

– Univision Noticias (@UniNoticias) July 22, 2018

Vicente Zeballos swears as Minister of Justice of Peru

Homobadual marriage receives green light in Cuba's draft new Constitution

A draft new Constitution in Cuba has given the green light to the debate on inclusion marriage between two people, without specifying its bad, announced Saturday a senior government official in front of some 600 deputies of the National Assembly.

The current Soviet – era Constitution of 1976, amended in 1992 and 2002, defines marriage as the voluntary union. between a man and a woman "to make a life together".

Cuba, which discriminated against homobaduals in the early decades of the 1959 Revolution, promoted in recent years the rights of the bad, gay, bibadual, transgender (LGBT) community. Currently, it allows surgical operations to change bad on the island.

I believe that the principles of equality, justice and humanism that our project has are reinforced by this possibility of marriage between two people, "said Homero Acosta When badyzing the project, the State Council

Acosta, one of the architects of the preparation of the text, pointed out that "there are about 24 countries that have integrated this concept and we n & # 39; We could not turn our backs on it.

In Latin America, same-bad couples have been allowed to marry in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, and parts of Mexico in recent years, despite opposition from the United States. ;Church.

As heterobadual marriage was already established in the 1976 Constitution, I think we have a duty to place another vision of marriage much more inclusive. Iva which guarantees rights that we do not guarantee until now, "said local television Mariela Castro, daughter of former president Raul Castro and who promoted the rights of the LGBT community on the

Raúl Castro, leader of the Communist Party of Cuba, has been leading a commission since June to prepare the draft of the new constitution.The project will be discussed by the Cubans, although the dates do not been finalized, after being debated at the National Assembly.Finally, a referendum will be held

Castro, 87, announced for the first time the need to amend the Constitution in 2011 after focusing on a series of economic reforms, opening more to foreign investment and small private companies.

A driver shoots policemen to avoid breathalyzer in Cancun

[19659003] With the information of FOROtv


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