"It's a small step for a man, but a big step for humanity ", is what he said Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the Luna putting a foot on his surface for the first time. The satellite orbiting the Earth has always been an unknown to those from below because they have watched and learned more about it. We already know a lot about her and all we know allows us to answer a simple question, but something more complex to realize: could we live on the moon?

The short answer: yes. The long answer includes some "but" that scientists, engineers and industries are trying to solve before 2030 when the European Space Agency (19459003) and other space institutions plan to put a lasting foundation on the moon

What does the moon look like?

To better understand the future life on the satellite, if this ever happens, you must know more. on this subject : does it have an atmosphere? What is the temperature on its surface? Are there minerals that can be used to build buildings or make electrical appliances? And water? To all these questions, we will try to give an answer

The Atmosphere of the Moon, as explained by the Director of the International Exploration Group of the Moon of ESA, Bernard Foing, is non-existent : Cosmic rays and meteorites have no barriers that prevent them from entering, so we are not protected on the surface.

On the other hand, the temperatures are extreme. and they vary depending on where you are: "In the equator there are two weeks of the day, with temperatures of 110ºC and two others at night, which reaches -170º C," says Foing. "Near the North Pole and Lunar South Pole there are areas where you never see the sun and there is -220 ° C ," he adds. These places are special because the ice of water was found there. Experts estimate that ice is between 3 and 5% of the ground. In addition, it is not possible to find it in the liquid state due to lack of atmosphere. Also "there are other areas in which there is Sun 90% of the time it means that it can be used to capture solar energy", explains to Hipertextual the International Director of Luna Exploration

The water can be used, besides for human consumption, to make rockets on the moon, but also to "prolong life operational ground communications and observation probes, "says the international director of the ESA Moon Exploration. " His life can last up to ten other years which implies economic benefits."

A mineral resource that was found on the Moon is silicates that is, composed of oxygen and silica. They can be extracted separately and used to make solar panels and semiconductors to make electrical appliances, explains Foing

How to solve these problems?

From ESA, they clearly see it: a pressurized piece is needed that withstands a low gravity and has several layers that protect against meteorites due to lack of atmosphere . In addition, it will be necessary for the room to maintain a stable temperature at all times, according to information provided by Foing. For example, during the days of the Sun, energy would be captured and used during the two weeks of the night to maintain a temperature above zero. Ideally, keep it all the time around 20º C . And with all this already could live on the moon

When are we going to see the lunar base?

The international space agencies have worked since Smart-1 was launched in 2003 , since before putting a base on the Moon it is necessary to know more about the satellite. In the last 15 years, eight probes have been sent, including Chinese, Indian and American satellites. The Mission: "Studying Resources and Making New Lunar Maps" Explains

The next step in 2013 was to put a surface lander and the task took him outside China, although there are already others of Russian, American or Korean origin.

On the other hand, the capsule of Orion is under construction, thanks to which, in 2020, a human team The Moon will be in orbit. By 2025, we expect humanity to once again be able to walk on our satellite and will be a woman who will also be the first to set foot on the Moon, according to Foing.

Space agencies will also contribute to industries, businesses and investors, "Foing said. "Space agencies can help in the early stages, for example, to build the systems to reach the moon, the infrastructure must be already badembled and ESA will do it, but later it will be companies that will continue .In addition, we believe that the private sector can contribute up to 80% of the cost of this lunar base, "he concludes.