Hungary supports Serbia's rapid entry into the European Union


July 28, 2018, 10:18 Budapest, July 28 (Prensa Latina) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said today that his country will do everything possible to get Serbia into the country. European Union as soon as possible (EU), which considers a strategic interest.

Speaking this Saturday in the 29 summer courses of the University of Vara & # 39; Tusvanyos & # 39; in the city of Baile Tusnad, Romania, Orban pronounced in the same terms on Montenegro and said that these two states do not belong to the Balkans, but are part of Central Europe, according to l. Hungarian news agency MTI.

The historical interest of Hungary is that Serbia is in the same political alliance and opinion that perceives the same feelings in Belgrade, according to his speech.

The head of the government reiterated in this forum his well-known positions, embodied in the Magyar politics, against illegal migration and his critics of the EU, so rate of

He stressed that every European country has the right to protect what he has called his Christian culture and his traditional family model, as well as to reject the migrants.

He enumerated five principles which in his opinion are indispensable in Central Europe in order to be able to occupy a dignified place on the continent and to place as a first priority the defense of Christian culture and the rejection of what is. he calls the ideology of multiculturalism.

He also stated that the traditional model should be supported He also defended the fundamental prerogative of protecting their borders and the repudiation of migration, a topic which they believe will play a fundamental role in the elections for the family and the principle that every child has the right to a mother and a father. the European Parliament of 2019.

He criticized liberal democracy for being on the back of becoming, he said, "neo-liberal democracy, it is He added that the general trend in Western Europe is to limit freedom of expression and introduce censorship.

Yesterday, in a radio broadcast, Orban predicted that the European Commission has days counted, commenting on proceedings against Hungary for alleged infractions and paying countries receiving migrants a certain sum for each of them. they, and affirming that these are actions out of time.

oda / rmh

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