Hurricane Beryl gets stronger with the approach of the Lesser Antilles



Hurricane Beryl Category 1 has intensified slightly today with sustained maximum winds of 80 mph (130 km / h) as the Lesser Antilles approach, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) of the United States

Beryl is located about 1,061 miles (1,681 kilometers) east-southeast of the Lesser Antilles and travels rapidly to the US. west at a speed of 15 miles per hour (24 km) / h), indicated the NHC in its 15.00 GMT bulletin

For the moment no warning or warning for coastal areas has been issued, but it is likely that from tonight "some islands of the Lesser Antilles" emit experts predict that the category 1 cyclone on the Saffir-Simpson scale, of a maximum of 5, will accelerate its speed towards the west-northwest this weekend and will continue well the next week

According to a probable trip scheme Tory, l "Beryl's eye" will be approaching the Lesser Antilles this weekend and will cross the chain of islands Sunday afternoon and Monday, "said the NHC scientists, based in Miami

. a "very compact hurricane" could be further strengthened in the next 48 hours and should remain a hurricane "when it arrives in the West Indies on Sunday afternoon and Monday."

Once Beryl arrives Monday We expect the Eastern Caribbean "to weaken", but "they will not degrade until a storm until" They reach La Española "(Dominican Republic and Haiti) and Central Caribbean waters.

Hurricanes officially begin on June 1, this year, a subtropical storm, Alberto, formed at the end of May.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted last May that the hurricane season in the Atlantic Activity "near" or "above average" io ", with between five and nine hurricanes, of which between 1 and 4 may be of higher category.

The agency's forecast for the season in the Atlantic Basin, which affects the United States for six months, The Caribbean and Mexico also report the formation of 10 to 16 tropical storms

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