Hurricane season in Cuba, always ready and alert (+ Audio)


  The Caribbean region is hit by cyclones and hurricanes during the months of June to November. Photo: Archivo

Due to the geographical location of the archipelago and its position in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba is exposed to the pbadage of meteorological phenomena such as cyclones and hurricanes. For this reason, the hurricane season extends from June 1 to November 30, the period of the year when there are more favorable conditions for the formation of these organisms.

The pbadage of Hurricane Irma, in the month of September 2017, across these Caribbean lands is still fresh in the memory of Cubans. The powerful phenomenon has left not only the pain of material loss but also thousands of human lives in neighboring countries such as the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

The year 2017 has closed its hurricane season with a great activity of meteorological phenomena, many of which would unfortunately be in history as one of the most devastating in history.

  ciclonica season f file "width =" 535 "height =" 300 "style =" float: left It would be in this season of 2017 that there would be a rare phenomenon in weather that would have left much of the continent dismayed. Three powerful hurricanes formed almost at the same time and let their strength in the waters of the Atlantic destroy everything in their path. It was the phenomena Katia, Irma and José

It is therefore not surprising that many marvel if this 2018 season will bring the possibility of such events. magnitude.

 unusual phenomenon hurricanes f file "width =" 535 "height =" 300 "style =" float: left; According to the statement by Ms.C Felix Fuentes Días, who is a meteorological specialist, this season is scheduled as a normal period in the cycle of meteorological events. It should also be noted that this is not an exact science but that it starts from predictions and probabilities so that events can modify their conditions, in addition to the predictions made.

Sources have explained that the atmosphere currently influences the La Niña phenomenon, under conditions of transition to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is a natural phenomenon that involves fluctuations in the temperature of the oceans in the equatorial Pacific. This will result in neutral conditions in the second half of the year, which includes the hurricane season.

The captain specified that the formation of 12 tropical cyclones (tropical storms and hurricanes) is expected throughout the North Atlantic area, of which six can reach the category of hurricanes.

  Forecasting two thousand18 "width =" 535 "height =" 300 "style =" float: left; Prognosis Spray In addition, over all tropical cyclones, seven will be developed in the Atlantic Ocean area, two in the Caribbean and three in the Gulf of Mexico. The probability that at least one hurricane will be born and intensify in the Caribbean is high (65%) and that that of Atlantic origin penetrates the Caribbean will also be high (80%).

in Cuba, the risk of being affected by at least one hurricane will be high, with a probability of 60%.
He also explained that in a climate change environment, hurricanes are likely to be more intense and more rainy. I also point out that some of these phenomena increase their intensity in just a few hours

In the current hurricane season, three organisms have already been formed and the rest of the names of those who might come later are already known.

 meteorology two thousand18 "width =" 535 "height =" 300 "style =" float: left; It is worth underlining the idea that these phenomena can change category very quickly, so get ready during these months it will be the best way to avoid regrettable situations such as the loss of resources and especially, human lives.

In Cuba, the work of the Civil Protection, with forecasting centers, the offices of the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (Citma) and the media, among others, aim to offer the population the data and information necessary to avoid unnecessary risks.

From June to November, he is always ready and vigilant.

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