"I corrected what needed to be corrected"


Haitian President Jovenel Moise on Saturday called out protesters to "return home" after the suspension of a fuel price hike sparked violent protests and left at least two dead in the Caribbean nation.

In a speech broadcast on state television, Moise stated that he had "corrected what needed to be corrected" after a change of opinion on the price increases announced earlier in the day.

"As soon as they speak I heard them, because they started sending me this message last night, I received it and I corrected it what had to be corrected, "said Moise

" Those who are watching me tonight, I ask everyone to come back "He said, adding that the authorities had been ordered to clean the streets.

The capital, Port-au-Prince, and its environs have been paralyzed since Friday afternoon, with major roads blocked by barricades. icons in flames, and some protesters even called for a revolution in the impoverished country.

Just before the announcement of the suspension, the head of the lower house of the Haitian parliament had threatened to seize the government if the fuel price hikes were not reversed.

The increases were announced Friday when many Haitians were absorbed in a World Cup football game.

"If there is no answer in two hours, the government will be deemed to have resigned" and the legislature will take over, "told AFP Gary Bodeau, president of the House of Commons

Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant then announced on Twitter the suspension of price increases and he wrote that "violence and democracy are fundamentally incompatible."

Even before the controversy over the price MPs had already begun a debate about their future, or, and Saturday's U-turn could lead to the fall of the government.

Friday night, the bodyguard of a politician of the # Opposition died in an altercation with protesters in downtown Port-au-Prince while he was trying to barricade his body was then burned down the road.

A journalist from the 39 AFP saw Saturday a young man shot from a shot. [19659002] A supermarket and other businesses were looted and vehicles burned, mainly in affluent areas.

Similar furious protests erupted in Cap-Haïtien, the second largest city, as well as in the communes of Les Cayes, Jacmel and Petit-Goave.

Internet service has been difficult, although it is not clear "We are seeing a little more calm right now," Stacy Librandi Bourne, an American, told CNN of Port-au-Prince. Prince, where, according to the news network, she was part of the 50 tourists. Americans, children and missionaries who could not leave the country. Oasis Hotel because of riots

– "Do not Destroy" –

The problems were caused by a government announcement that gasoline prices would rise by 38 percent, 47 percent diesel and 51 percent kerosene this weekend.

The protests prompted several major airlines, including the American, Air France, Delta, Jet Blue and Copa, to cancel flights to Puerto Prince, at least until noon Saturday

"I ask your patience because our administration has a vision, a clear program," announced Lafontant, doctor and novice in politics, a few hours before the suspension.

"Do not destroy, because every time it is Haiti that is impoverished."

Haiti is still recovering from Hurricane Matthew, which took place in 2016. Nearly 40,000 people remain in makeshift camps after an earthquake of more than 200,000 pe Six years ago, thousands of people died of a cholera epidemic that lasted a year

– Controversial Grants

The director of the National Police also urged for calm.

"We understand your right to protest," said Michelangelo Gedeon. "But we do not understand the violence."

At least two police stations and several police vehicles were burned down

A February framework agreement between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Haiti implicated the creation of a police force. completion of subsidies for products but subsidies also help make fuel affordable in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, where most people live in extreme poverty, unemployment is widespread and the inflation rate has exceeded 13 percent over the last three years.

Discussing in support of rising fuel prices early in the day, Lafontant said that between 2010 and 2018, the government's fuel subsidies had cost a billion dollars. This amount, he said, "could have allowed us to build several miles (miles) of road … many clbadrooms … many health clinics."

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