IDEA Group Marks Support for Approved OAS Resolution on Nicaragua | NTN24


Former Heads of State and Government participating in the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA) expressed their solidarity with the resolution pbaded last week in the United States. Organization of American States on Nicaragua, in which the government of Daniel Ortega accept the proposal to advance until 2019 the elections scheduled for 2021.

The IDEA members also applauded "the firm position of the majority of OAS members and of its Secretary General, the European Parliament and institutions that protect human rights, including the Bishops' Conferences of Nicaragua and Venezuela. "[19659002] In turn, they were concerned about "the silence, the jealous caution, or the turn of behavior of some fundamental players in world opinion, such as the Vatican State and now the government of Spain, avan t atrocities taking place in Latin America in the hands of open governments

In a statement, members of the IDEA Group also discussed the situation in Venezuela and added to the conviction also made last week by the Lima on "the rupture of the constitutional order. and the rule of law in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. "

In addition, they joined the claim of the Lima Group to establish a" humanitarian chain that saves the Venezuelan people from its tragedy "and" echoing its warning for the military mobilization that the government of this nation deploys in its limits with Colombia. "

The former heads of state who make up the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas affirmed that" human rights are limits the power of each state, no government can invoke sovereignty and non-intervention to violate or prevent their international protection ", because the governments of both Zuela, as in Nicaragua, claimed" to be a victim of the violation of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of those who denounce their grave violations of human rights "

editorial NTN24

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