Ignacio Ramonet presents the fourth edition of his 100-hour book with Fidel.



Prominent journalist and intellectual Ignacio Ramonet presented the fourth edition of the 100-hour book with Fidel in front of the audience of Matanzas who went to the Cultural Center La Aurora to get a step from these autographed autographed copies.

The event was very interesting. I admit that being a journalist gives a certain privilege. I say this because for the second time I attend the presentation of the volume "100 hours with Fidel" that in 2006 saw the first edition of the historical barracks of Bayamo with the imprint of his writer. There, I enjoyed a conversation with him and other journalists who attended the event.


Twelve years later, there is news again, this time with a Ramonet much more thoughtful and sensitive with The work that, as he baderts itself, has complete validity in each of the reflections related to the highest Cuban leader.

As he told us, this fourth edition has two new chapters and he said he felt the presence The presentation, preceded by the words of the publisher of the publishing house Matanzas: Alfredo, and the vice president of UNEAC, Luis Morlote Rivas, also had a cultural moment of importance only for the current generations to the renewed edition of the book.

Ramonet also told us that he had visited Matanzas, invited by Alejo Carpentier in the 70s, and was very happy to come back and admire a renewed and full of history city and of culture.


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