In bad weather, good producer> Cuba> Granma


The working visit of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, in the province of Sancti Spíritus, included a stop at the farm of the young farmer Yoandy Rodríguez [19659002] The Gloriosa, which is called the farm, is extended by the substantial nature of the exchange and a walk in a large part of the fields, where one can see the excellent results of this young man whose good agro-productive practices and crop diversification example for the province and the country.

Gloriosa is a 26-hectare usufruct that is part of the Nieves Morejón Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS) in Cabaiguán. Sancti Spíritus is the second largest tobacco producer in the country and is one of the main elements of this productive base, the plantations hit hard here by subtropical storm Alberto.

As the president was informed – he was accompanied during the visit by the highest authorities of the province – because of the excessive rains, the Provincial Company of Harvest and Benefit of Tabaco reported numerous damages, as well in its culture main only in other agricultural productions.

In tobacco added more than 700 tons of losses As a result, they stopped harvesting some 600 hectares of potting, mold and rotting in nursing homes before excessive moisture.
Yoandy, on the other hand, could significantly reduce its damage, among his secrets He advanced the sowing and other good practices, including giving heat with charcoal to the protected leaves in homes to reduce humidity

The 35-year-old man, who works the lands of La Gloriosa for 12 years, has also taken steps to reduce the effects of excessive rainfall on cbadava plantations and other crops, including that planted with a new variety of maize that is introduced into the country and that promises to be very productive.

Yoandy was chosen as the best producer of cut tobacco in the country. Many are the innovations that he has applied to his farm, worthy of being broadcast in the media for knowledge among producers, Díaz-Canel told the press.

During the conversation with the young producer, the President of the State Councils and Ministers felt that, from these extreme events, like Alberto, we must learn many lessons.

The subtropical storm, he said, differed greatly from tropical cyclones, leaving even more damage. These events are the result – expressed – of climate change, which involves changing the traditional ways of doing agriculture in all areas.

Yoandy, said the president, speaks with the wisdom of the one on the ground, and as we begin to do things differently. What he has done is a response to the new circumstances that climate change is proposing, he reiterated.


The Cuban president visited the Zaza del Medio bridge destroyed in one of its parts by a gigantic ceiba who dragged the river with floods.

He received an explanation of the works that are being undertaken to strengthen the nearby railway crossing and rebuild the road junction that divided this village Sancti Spiritus into two parts. The reinforcement actions of the first one will not take too much time, but the bridge will require a little more time.

Díaz-Canel meticulously exchanged with the specialists on the damage caused by the flooding of the Zaza river and the actions of reconstruction of the structure

He made a special effort to take precise measures to avoid a accident on the railway bridge, which is used as a pbad by the inhabitants of Zaza del Medio, including students, although now on vacation, all schools are on one side of the settlement.

The inhabitants of the place grouped themselves on one side of the river, where the president climbed to greet them and exchange with them about their daily lives. The Ceiba has changed their lives, he told the locals, who have shown their confidence in the recovery of the bridge and that as the president has said, when the work will be completed, it should be better than what he was. it should not be raining again, "he told them, and be careful crossing the train deck.


The traditional development of mud-based construction was observed by the President
of State Councils and Ministers during their visit to the mosaic of San Agustín, in the town of Sancti Spíritus, the fourth village of Cuba, which had 504 on July 4.

The masters of clay develop with their own hands and with ancient techniques, pbaded down from generation to generation, a variety of badortments that are in great demand by the population and which are sold in specialty stores.

The facility is part of the local industries of building materials that are expanding in all municipalities of the province.The president pointed out that the badortments are sold c orrectly for the benefit of those in need and to avoid crime.

The other point of the trip was the spillway of the Zaza Dam, where he traded with specialists and observed the status of the reservoir before an active rainy season. At the end of this information, the President of State Councils and Ministers, accompanied by Salvador Valdes Mesa held a working meeting with the authorities of the province.

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