In baseball, the Lion King has already chosen his pack


Havana, July 9 – King Vicente Anglada, a former outstanding player named to join the Industriales group at the 58th National Baseball Series, announced today the list of his 40 players with which he aspires to First, the second phase

I have a mix of experienced players who worked with me when we won these three seasons, with a group of very talented young people who I l? hope, will be part of the teams that will move on to the second stage. Lions from the capital.

For King, 65 years old and who with the Lions won, successively the campaigns contested in the years 2003 and 2004, as well as that realized in 2006, the important will be to face and He has shown Discipline to reload the stadium as he had done last season, when Industriales was led by Víctor Mesa, he explained.

At the press conference, chaired by Luis A ntonio Torres Iríbar, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the capital, learned that Andividiales chose four recipients, led by the experienced Frank Camilo Morejón, who will be badisted by Oscar Valdés, Roberto Loredo and Asiel Hernández.

The infantry players for which Anglada was chosen were the veterans Alexander Mayeta and Rudy Reyes, as well as Juan Carlos Torriente, Yordanys Samon, Wilfredo Aroche and Osmel

Cordero, Andres Hernandez, Yamil Rivalta, Henry Morales and Edwin Ybader Caballero.
In addition, in the list of six gardeners appear the seasoned Yoandry Urgellés, along with Stayler Hernández, Guillén Joasán, Javier Camero, Yosvany Peñalver and Víctor Labrada.

Meanwhile, Frank Monthiet and Noelvis Entenza command a group of 20 launchers who, no doubt, will be the Achilles heel of the collective, which also includes Eddy Abel García, Jose Pablo Cuesta, Alexander Rodriguez, Adrian Sos has, Joel David Paula, Michel Reinoso and Hector Miguel Ponce.

The list of fencers is completed by David Mena, Andy Rodriguez, Frank Herrera, Marlon Perez, Javier del Pino, Dennis Reyes, Marcos Ortega, Yandy Molina, Bryan Chi, Eddy Nodal and Antonio Baró.
Benito Camacho, Guillermo Carmona, Erlys Garrido, José Elósegui and Lázaro Valle, will be with Rey V. Anglada in the management team.

Related terms: Bésibol | Industrial

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