in critical condition and with a reserved prognosis


Mailén Díaz Almaguer sole survivor of the plane crash that occurred last May in Havana remains in critical condition and with a reserved prognosis . ACN the director of the University Hospital "General Calixto García", Dr. Edilberto González Ortíz, who claimed that he remains stable and responding favorably to the therapeutic actions that he is doing.

The young "continues to improve the integration of the cognitive and affective sphere, as well as synthetic processes and psychological intervention is maintained," added the doctor, who said that he remains active, conscious, interacting with the environment his relatives and the medical team who takes care of it

Mailén continues to breathe by means of a mechanical ventilator "with acceptable respiratory parameters, which allowed his decrease" although He continues to work to make him breathe without help and "by his own efforts."

Food continues to be through the digestive tract "and support with intravenous nutrients."

The cardiovascular system has been stabilized, which is why the drugs that supported this function have been removed.

"We continue to work on the conservation of metabolic control, water balance and electrolytes, as well as the internal environment in which all the biochemical processes are carried out." The specialist reported having faced complex situations in their evolution, "as a result of traumatic injuries sustained and their impact on the functioning of the body", where also took prominent infections .

González Ortíz, d & # 39; On the other hand, badured They have "all the resources necessary to act in a timely manner", while welcoming the multidisciplinary work of the medical team, composed of "experts from the prestigious institutions of the capital". [19659002] After 67 days of hospitalization, Mailén continues his fights for his life, after being seriously injured on May 18, when the plane that he was traveling from Havana to Holguín destination crushed shortly after takeoff .

As a result of the loss, they lost their lives. people, including all the Boeing 737-200 crew of the Mexican company Damojh, leased by Cubana de Aviación

The causes of the accident continue to be studied . [ad_2]
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