In the conventions of the oficialismo they cook the political destiny of the country


D since 1996, Hugo Chávez wanted to create a political movement based on the Bolivarian precept. His first step in this direction was the creation of the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200 (MBR200) ​​with which he began to travel the country, before his presidential campaign. This first process involved a transformation to the Republic V Movement (VCR), which later led to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

Successive meetings already had a concept: to define the political destinies of the country within a party body. Decisions such as the dialogue between the government and the opposition starting in 2016, the development of the socialist production model, the first time that socialism was discussed, and even the first Constituent Assembly were managed, or the less, broadcast in these meetings

The participation of delegates in official congresses has gradually changed. They started with a small base in the MBR-200; and 1,681 in the founder Psuv, they spent nearly half of the representation in subsequent meetings.

At the end of July, the PSUV will go to its Fourth Congress in search of new orientations and political definitions, but at the request of conservative Chavism that elections be held to renew the national leadership of the red canopy. What do they ask? Come back to the design that Chávez had. It is expected that there will be a participation of 670 delegates at the national level.

This article presents the milestones of official political congresses:

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