In the land of the quetzal an expected holiday • Workers


  Official Poster of the VI Games of Central America and the Caribbean
Official Poster of the VI Games of Central America and the Caribbean

One of the founding nations of the Games of Central America and the Caribbean

Central America and the Caribbean, Guatemala, hosted in 1950 (8 February to 12 March) the sixth edition of these regional nominations. The Organizing Committee made great efforts to build various non-existent sports facilities in the country, but it was completed on schedule.

In the country of the quetzal was established a register of the participation of the countries (14), when Haiti was added for the first time to the lid. Due to the magnificent performance of several athletes from the region at the London Olympics two years ago, the athletics attracted the most attention from the press, fans and all fans of this holiday.

Rafael Fortún the fastest of the Games, with a spectacular victory by tenths of a second in the final of the 100-meter (10.3 seconds) on the stars McKenley, of Jamaica (10.4), and Lloyd La Beach (10.5), of Panama , silver and bronze Olympics, respectively.

A fair request

Money to pay Cuban sports delegations to the Games of Central America and the Caribbean has gradually declined. But this is only at the sixth edition of Guatemala, when the situation caused a fair complaint from the Cuban Olympic Committee, which received 25 thousand pesos less than in the previous fair of Barranquilla.

In the official report of the Games, the Cubano Olympic Committee expressed its concern for the first Pan American Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the following year. In one of the fragments can read: "understands that the national athletes are trained to provide brilliant performances in this important event; fully supports and supports the entities, athletes and commentators who claim our presence.But they lack the economic means to activate these desires

They were, without a doubt, very difficult moments for the sport of the island, although our athletes have written pages of glory in the Guatemalan event The cyclist Reinaldo Paseiro won for the second time in these events his qualities in the kilometer against the clock, while the baseball team reclaimed his title with Edmundo Amorós, Antonio del Monte and Derubín Juárez as the most outstanding


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