India does not withdraw from the acquisition of S-400 despite US sanctions


India says it will maintain agreements with Russia for the acquisition of S-400 missile defense systems, despite the threat of US sanctions

The Indian Minister of Defense Nirmala Sitharaman said Friday that the talks with Moscow for the acquisition of the S-400 are about to end and that the implementation of the agreement could be carried out nearly two years after his signature.

The official also said that the Indian government is relinquishing its intention to acquire sophisticated Russian systems, despite the sanctions that could be applied by the United States Government.

The US Congress approved last year the law against American adversaries by sanctions (CAATSA), which penalizes not only Russian industries and companies, but also warned against punitive measures against third country companies They would like to work with Russia.

"We told the US Congress delegation that (CAATSA) is a law of their own and is not a UN law," Sitharaman said, quoted by the local newspaper. Times of India .

We told the US Congressional delegation that (CAATSA) is a law of their own and is not a UN law, "says the Defense Minister of the United States. India, Nirmala Sitharaman, on the future purchase of the S-400 missile despite the threat of US sanctions.

With the acquisition of these anti-aircraft defense systems, India would violate the sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia, which will be used by Washington to strengthen its position against New Delhi.

However, Sitharaman He said earlier that US sanctions against Moscow "will not affect" the good defense links between India and Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a meeting held last May, stressed the strategic relations between their defense ministries and wagered, furthermore, to strengthen their alliance in different areas, including the army.

myd / ncl / snr / alg

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